
Board of directors

1 January 2021


Honorary president

H.R.H. Princess Astrid



Mr. Hein Deprez



Prof. dr. eng. Véronique Halloin

General secretary of the "Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS"


Managing director

Lieutenant-general Noël De Bruyne

Keeper of His Majesty the King's Civil List


Scientific director

Prof. em. dr. Jean-Marie Maloteaux



  • Prof. Anne De Paepe
    ProRector of the Universiteit Gent
  • Prof. em. dr. Freddy Dumortier
    Perpetual secretary of the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor wetenschappen and kunsten"
  • Prof. Baron Foidart
    Perpetual secretary of the "Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique"
  • Mrs. Véronique Paulus de Châtelet
    Honorary governor of the administrative district of Brussels
  • Baron van Rijckevorsel
  • Prof. dr. Brigitte Velkeniers
    President of the "Bestuurscommissie van de Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België"
  • Prof. Didier Viviers
    Perpetual secretary of the "Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique"
  • Dr. Hans Willems
    General secretary of the "Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen"

Scientific committee

1 April 2020 – 1 April 2024


President of the scientific committee and scientific director

Prof. em. dr. Jean-Marie Maloteaux


Effective members:


Substitute members:


Administrative secretary

Mr. Erik Dhondt


Regulation for the scientific committee of the Q.E.M.F.





H.R.H. Princess Astrid

H.R.H. Princess Astrid

Honorary president of the board of directors


Mr. Hein Deprez

Mr. Hein Deprez

President of the board of directors


Lieutenant-general Noël De Bruyne

Lieutenant-general Noël De Bruyne

Managing director


Prof. em. dr. Jean-Marie Maloteaux

Prof. em. dr. Jean-Marie Maloteaux

Scientific director


Mr. Erik Dhondt

Mr. Erik Dhondt
