Universiteiten & ploegen

Interuniversitaire onderzoeksprojecten 2023-2025 gefinancierd door de G.S.K.E.



Prof. dr. Geert Van Loo (UGent)

Prof. Kiavash Movahedi (VUB)

OTULIN in neuroinflammation and Alzheimer pathology

Prof. dr. Sarah Weckhuysen (UAntwerpen)

Prof. dr. Bjorn Menten (UGent)

Detection of somatic mutations and disease-defining methylation patterns in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with non-acquired focal epilepsy

Prof. dr. Renzo Manusco (UAntwerpen)

Prof. dr. Joris De Wit (KU Leuven)

Dissecting the molecular basis of microglia-synapse communication in AD

Prof. dr. Ann Massie (VUB)

Prof. dr. Lutgarde Arckens (KU Leuven)

The xCT-/- killifish to validate the potential of system xc- as therapeutic target in Parkinson’s disease

Prof. dr. Karelle Leroy (ULB)

Prof. dr. Laurence Ris (UMONS)

Prof. dr. Kristel Sleegers (UAntwerpen)

Involvement of diabetes and antidiabetic treatment on tau pathology propagation


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